TALIA’s Original Album Launch

Goal: £9,205
Support me to spread more Love and Joy in the world
As most of you know already, music is my passion and I have discovered it is my tool for bringing more love and joy into the world.
The dream of writing my own Original songs is a turning point in my life. I feel that I am exploring my own genre of music. One of my biggest dreams of expressing myself through the medium of music is finally coming true!
To people who support me along the way, I will reward you with signed photographs sent to your door and behind the scenes footage of me writing and producing the songs. I want to share with you moments of this intense but fun journey.
Can’t wait to begin! ☺
I am TALIA, a Live Performer and Entertainer and fast becoming one of London’s top female accordionist and singer.
My purpose is to spread Love and Joy to the world through my music.
I spent most of my early childhood singing with my father while he played the concertina. I always loved singing and playing accordion. Growing up in London in a large traditional Portuguese family, I would often find myself the centre of attention at family gatherings- playing my eclectic repertoire.
I have over a million views on Youtube and have performed for both BBC Television and The Royal Shakespeare Theatre in London. I have been described on many occasions as a gifted musician and during my career I have collaborated with various artists of different music genres.
I am a passionate entertainer with a mellow voice who is experienced in travelling and performing for small and large audiences. I released my First Album of Covers in 2019.
This year, you will be helping me to make my First Ever Album of Original Songs. Some of my songs will express my Portuguese roots and others will bring my British side and influences I’ve grown up with. Most of all, it’s music from the heart. I hope that it will make a difference in your life. Hopefully you will be able to relate to the sentiments and experiences that I express.

What We Need
Your Support
All your Contributions will go towards Studio Time, Musicians, Mixing and Editing, Mastering, Photography, CD Design and Production.

For the creation of the Twelve Songs on my Album, here is a Breakdown of what your funds will contribute to:
- 144 hours of Studio Time Recording: £3,900
- 5 Days of Mixing/Editing: £750
- Musician Session Fees and Breakdown: £3,150
Drums: £750
Bass: £600
Guitar: £600
Piano/Keys: £600
Brass: £300
Strings: £300 - Mastering of Twelve Songs: £600
- CD Production: £505 for 300 copies
- Photographer for Cover of Album: £150
- Album Designer: £150
What You’ll Get:
You’ll instantly get email updates letting you know what you have helped me with and sneak peak previews of my time in the studio.
You will also receive a signed photo of me and thanking you for your support!
Your financial support will impact me enormously enabling me to get my First Ever Original Album ready to promote to radio stations and also allowing me to get review on blogs and publications. I will also be able to perform decent gigs and share with the world my own unique music!

Risks and Challenges
The risks and obstacles I face can be frightening such as time frames and tireless hours spent in the studio to get my sound right but nothing I can’t handle. My plan to solve these challenges will be to keep focused and keep you updated in the long run.
I am currently surrounded by talented musicians who I have met over the years and who are willing to collaborate on my project. I am now ready for all the challenges as I am determined to reach my goal surrounded by top musicians and great studio staff and conditions. With you by my side, we will have this Album ready!
How You Can Help:
1. Go to my PayPal Link
2. Contact me on my website on my contact form: www.taliamusic.uk
3. Spread the world about me by sharing this page to people you know.